Tip for First-time Homeowners: How to Control Seasonal Pests

first time homeowners and how to control pests

There is a lot to be excited about when you buy your first home. You also have a lot of new responsibilities. Home security is a priority for most homeowners. However, keeping your home safe from potential intruders requires more than just deadbolts or alarms.

No matter where you live, common pests will make your home their home. Knowing when and how pests work will allow you to protect your property and avoid seasonal pest problems. 

protect your home

Like all living creatures, pests seek shelter, food, water, and food. They don’t require a lot of openings. According to the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, common mice can fit through openings as small and narrow as a pencil. Spiders and other insects can also enter through cracks less than 1/16 inches. For ants, the most persistent and common household pest, small cracks can be like wide-open doors.

Pest-proofing your property year-round requires a thorough inspection inside and outside, followed by prompt treatment. The following pest-control tips should be included on your list:


  • Yard and garden debris can be used as hiding spots or homes for pests. Clear away leaves around your foundation and clean your gutters. Keep your garage and outbuildings clear of clutter.


  • Seal any cracks or larger openings in the foundation and siding joints. Clear caulk and other sealants can be used to block common entry points such as those around gas and water pipes, telephone lines, cable connections, and windows. Sealing reduces energy consumption, too.


  • Door thresholds and sweeps should be kept tight. Doors at corners are prime areas for pests.


  • To prevent pests and moisture from building up, keep wood landscape mulch away from your foundation. You can deter pests by using stone mulch or fresh cedar chippings.


  • Cut back any shrubs or tree branches that touch your home and trim overhanging limbs. Both are ready to be used by wildlife and insects.


  • Place gutter downspouts to direct rainwater away from your foundation. Moisten, low-lying areas are places where mosquitoes and pests can thrive.


  • To keep unwanted intruders out, cover any vent openings with wire mesh (also known as hardware cloth).

Pest activity is seasonal and has highs and lows. Spring and summer are the peak seasons, so be proactive. Indoor pest problems can be reduced by quickly dealing with them. Pests will seek out warm, dry places or food sources indoors in the event of prolonged drought, cold weather, or prolonged rain.

Keep an eye out for seasonal pest activity as the year progresses

FALL EARLY SPRING gopher mounds

Early pest activity is a sign that rodents are leading the charge. Moles and gophers can decimate lawns, leaving them covered with mounds and tunnels from the beginning of spring through the middle of summer and into autumn. Before the warmer weather arrives, act quickly if you see mole or gopher activity.

Amdro’s line of mole- and gopher control products have effective remedies that prevent damage from escalating. These include Amdro Mole* & Gopher Bait and Amdro Gopher Gasser.



Fire ants can be tackled in spring and fall. Fire ant activity rises as soil temperatures rise in spring. Summer heat slows them down. Once the temperatures drop to moderate levels in the fall, activity peaks. 

Be aware of the harm they do to lawns and the suffering that these stinging insects cause to wildlife, humans and pets if you live in a fire-ant country. Before fire ants become a serious threat, act quickly. The 2-Step Fire Ant Control Method Amdro Kills Fire Ants Yard Treatment.



As spring becomes summer, ants and other outdoor pests become more active. Pest problems can be caused by warm weather, drought, and changes in your lifestyle, like barbecuing. 


Before you have problems, make sure your home is protected from ants and other insects.


Watch out for ant trails in your garden and around your new home as ant activity grows. You can fight ants indoors as well as outdoors with powerful products like the AMDRO Kills Ants product line.

In-ground bait stakes can be used to target outdoor areas. Place bug traps in warm areas behind ovens, refrigerators, and other appliances that emit heat to outsmart indoor insects. Also, place them under sinks or where moisture or wastebaskets can draw ants in.

leaves in gutterFALL CLEANUP

Clear away any leaves that may have fallen from your foundation or gutters before the cold weather arrives. Seal any cracks or holes and keep pests out of your home. If necessary, trim tree limbs or shrubs.

Don’t let pests take over your home. Get an early start with these tips and call a professional pest control service to help you protect your most valued investment.